co-creating with the archangels

Co-Creating with The Archangels

Recorded Teleclass Series taught by Rev. Ana Jones


All teleclass recordings are available as Mp3 audio downloads
(immediate delivery even if you are ordering at 2am)

Flexible purchase options are now available!

Pick and Choose … you can order individual classes.
etter Value… Save by purchasing a Series. Each Series is bundled with 4 teleclass recordings
Best Value… Get the Entire Curriculum with all 12 recordings and Save $30

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Read more details on each class and click the “Add to Cart” button and order what you need below…

The Complete Course

The Complete Course consists of 3 series of 4 classes each as described below:

SERIES #1: Co-Creating with Archangel Michael, Raphael, Gabriel & Uriel

Series 1: Class 1 – Co-Creating with Archangel Michael – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

Series 1: Class 2 – Co-Creating with Archangel Raphael – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

Series 1: Class 3 – Co-Creating with Archangel Gabriel – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

Series 1: Class 4 – Co-Creating with Archangel Uriel – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

SERIES #2: Co-Creating with Archangel Metatron, Sandalphon, Ariel & Jophiel

Series 2: Class 1 – Co-Creating with Archangel Metatron – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

Series 2: Class 2 – Co-Creating with Archangel Sandalphon – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

Series 2: Class 3 – Co-Creating with Archangel Ariel – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

Series 2: Class 4 – Co-Creating with Archangel Jophiel – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

SERIES #3: Co-Creating with Archangel Chamuel, Zadkiel, Haniel & Raziel

Series 3: Class 1 – Co-Creating with Archangel Chamuel – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

Series 3: Class 2 – Co-Creating with Archangel Zadkiel – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

Series 3: Class 3 – Co-Creating with Archangel Haniel – Available as a Download in mp3 Format

Series 3: Class 4 – Co-Creating with Archangel Raziel – Available as a Download in mp3 Format



Each recording contains:

  • A class about Co-Creating with each Archangel
  • An Angelic Invocation Meditation
  • An Angelic Message Transmission from each Archangel

Each recording/mp3 is approx. 2 hours in length so a series of 4 would be over 8 hours in recorded teaching and messages and the entire course of 12 classes contains over 24 hours!!

$15 per individual class


Website Security

The recording of each class is immediately available for download in mp3 audio format so that you can listen to the class at anytime convenient to you.
The download link will be emailed to you within minutes after you complete your order … be sure to check your junk or spam folders.


Each recording contains:

  • A class about Co-Creating with each Archangel
  • An Angelic Invocation Meditation
  • An Angelic Message Transmission from each Archangel

Each recording/mp3 is approx. 2 hours in length so a series of 4 would be over 8 hours in recorded teaching and messages and the entire course of 12 classes contains over 24 hours!!

$55 for a series of 4 tele-classes


Website Security

The recording of each class is immediately available for download in mp3 audio format so that you can listen to the class at anytime convenient to you.
The download link will be emailed to you within minutes after you complete your order … be sure to check your junk or spam folders.



Each recording contains:

  • A class about Co-Creating with each Archangel
  • An Angelic Invocation Meditation
  • An Angelic Message Transmission from each Archangel

Each recording/mp3 is approx. 2 hours in length so a series of 4 would be over 8 hours in recorded teaching and messages and the entire course of 12 classes contains over 24 hours!!

$150 for the Complete Course


Website Security

The recording of each class is immediately available for download in mp3 audio format so that you can listen to the class at anytime convenient to you.
The download link will be emailed to you within minutes after you complete your order … be sure to check your junk or spam folders.

Series 1 -TeleClass 1


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger MICHAEL = Micha-El : His name translates to
“He Who is Like Unto God”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn about WHO Archangel Michael is in a variety of world-wide theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role as a Guardian and Protector for all on The Earth.
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Michael’s presence as a PROTECTOR & UNIVERSAL MASTER TEACHER in the world and how to bring his Divinely ordained Power and Grace more into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific types of prayers, ceremonies, and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with Archangel Michael
  • Guided Meditation & Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Michael.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Michael LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with Archangel Michael, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Michael to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Michael.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 1 – Tele-Class 2


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger RAPHAEL = Rapha-El : His sacred name translates to
“He Who Has The Healing Power of God”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn about WHO Archangel Raphael is in a variety of world-wide theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role as a Guardian and HEALER for all on The Earth.
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Raphael’s healing presence in the world and how bring that his Divinely ordained Healing & Compassion more into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific types of prayers, healing ceremonies, and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with The Archangel Raphael.

  • Guided Meditation & Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Raphael.

  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Raphael LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Angels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Raphael to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Raphael.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 1 – Tele-Class 3


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger Gabriel = Gabri-El : translates to
“The Strength of God”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn WHO Archangel Gabriel is in a variety of world-wide theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role as a Clarion for Change & Transformation for all on The Earth.
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Gabriel’s unique presence in the world and and how to bring his Divinely ordained gift of Prophecy and Peace more into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific types of prayers, ceremonies, and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with The Archangel Gabriel.
  • Guided Meditation & Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Gabriel.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Gabriel LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Angels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Gabriel to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Gabriel.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 1 – Tele-Class 4

Co-Creating with ARCHANGEL URIEL

Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger URIEL = Uri-El : His name translates to “The Light of God”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn about WHO Archangel Uriel is in a variety of world-wide theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role as a Light Bearer and Wisdom Keeper for all on The Earth.
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Uriel’s presence as a source of WISDOM & LIGHT in the world and how to bring his Divinely ordained Clarity and Illumination more into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific types of prayers, ceremonies, and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with Archangel Uriel.
  • Guided Meditation & Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Uriel.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Uriel LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Angels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Uriel to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Uriel.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 2 – Tele-Class 1


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger METATRON’s name translates to
“The One Who Guards” or “The One Who Serves Behind God’s Throne”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn about WHO Archangel Metatron is in world theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role for all on The Earth, as well as his unique role for helping children.
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Metatron’s presence as a THE ANGEL OF THE TREE OF LIFE and how to work with his Divinely ordained gifts to help you better structure and design the aspects of your reality that you have the power to co-create.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific prayers and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with Archangel Metatron.
  • Guided Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Metatron.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Metatron LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Archangels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Metatron to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Metatron.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 2 – Tele-Class 2


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger SANDALPHON’s name translates to
“Brother” and is known to be the brother/twin of Archangel Metatron

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn about WHO Archangel Sandalphon is in world theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role as a Co-Keeper of The Akashic records, The Angel of Prayer and Angel of Music.
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Sandalphon’s presence, learning how to identify his energies and call in his Divinely ordained gifts of Memory, Re-Birth, and more into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific prayers and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with Archangel Sandalphon.
  • Guided Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Sandalphon.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Sandalphon LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Archangels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Sandalphon to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Sandalphon.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 2 – Tele-Class 3

Co-Creating with ARCHANGEL ARIEL

Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger Ariel = Ari-El : translates to
“The Lion of God”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn WHO Archangel Ariel is in a variety of world-wide theologies and receive a broader understanding of Ariel’s historical role as a Guardian of The Animals & “Archangel of The Earth.”
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Ariel’s unique presence in the world and and how to bring her Divinely ordained gifts of STRENGTH, COURAGE, & COMPASSION more into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific prayers and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with The Archangel Ariel.
  • Guided Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Ariel.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Ariel LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Archangels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Ariel to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Ariel.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 2 – Tele-Class 4


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger JOPHIEL = Jophi-El
This sacred name translates as “The Beauty of God “
This recorded teleclass includes:
  • Learn about WHO Archangel Jophiel is in world theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role for all on The Earth.
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Jophiel’s beauty & grace in the world. Learn how to bring the Divinely ordained Inspiration & Creativity of Jophiel more into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific prayers and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with The Archangel Jophiel.
  • Guided Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Jophiel.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Jophiel LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Archangels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Jophiel to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Jophiel.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 3 – Tele-Class 1


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger CHAMUEL’s name translates to
“One Who Seeks God”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn about WHO Archangel Chamuel is in world theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role for all on The Earth, as well as his unique role for helping each of us.
  • Discover ways of consciously becoming aware of Chamuel’s presence as a THE ANGEL OF LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS.
  • Learn how to work with Chamuel’s Divinely ordained gifts to help you improve your personal relationships.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific prayers and practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with Archangel Chamuel.
  • Guided Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with this Archangel.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Chamuel LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Archangels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Chamuel to reveal and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Chamuel.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 3 – Tele-Class 2


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger ZADKIEL’s name translates to
“Righteousness of God”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn about WHO Archangel Zadkiel is in world theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role as The Archangel of Mercy & Forgiveness.
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Zadkiel’s presence, learning how to identify his energies and call in his Divinely ordained gifts into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific prayers and practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with Archangel Zadkiel.
  • Guided Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Zadkiel.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Zadkiel LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Archangels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Zadkiel to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from the Archangel.

CLICK HERE to Select your Order Option

Series 3 – Tele-Class 3


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger Haniel = Hani-El :
translates to “Joy of God”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn WHO Archangel Haniel is in a variety of world-wide theologies and receive a broader understanding of Ariel’s historical role as a Guardian of The Archangel of Joy & Divine Grace.
  • Discover new ways of consciously becoming aware of Haniel’s unique presence in the world and and how to bring her Divinely ordained gifts more into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific prayers and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with The Archangel Haniel.
  • Guided Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Haniel.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Ariel LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Archangels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Haniel to reveal herself to us and to describe for us how to best work with her & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Haniel.

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Series 3 – Tele-Class 4


Available as a Download in mp3 Format

The Divine Messenger RAZIEL = Razi-El
This sacred name translates as: “Secrets of God”

This recorded teleclass includes:

  • Learn about WHO Archangel Raziel is in world theologies and receive a broader understanding of his historical role for all on The Earth.
  • Discover ways of consciously becoming aware of Raziel’s presence in the world. Learn how to bring the Divinely ordained gifts of Raziel more into your daily life.
  • Wisdom Teachings and Intuitive Guidance on the use of specific prayers and spiritual practices for deepening your relationship with The Divine & with The Archangel Raziel.
  • Guided Invocation for Accessing, Connecting, Communicating and Co-Creating with the Archangel Raziel.
  • Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Raziel LIVE during the call with Rev. Ana Jones. Using her gifts as an angelic message courier, and her deep connection with The Archangels, Rev. Ana will ask Archangel Raziel to reveal himself to us and to describe for us how to best work with him & the other Angels. She will subsequently go into a very deep meditative state and provide a vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Raziel.

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Rev Ana JonesFacilitator: Rev. Ana Jones

REV. ANA JONES is an internationally known Interfaith Minister, Reiki Master-Healer, Master-Teacher, Professional Medical Intuitive, and life-long Clairvoyant Medium. Ana has been consciously developing her expertise in Holistic Healing, Intuition, and Spirit/Angelic Communication for over 30 years.
Rev. Jones leads regular classes and workshops on a wide range of subjects pertaining to spirituality, holistic health, and conscious holistic living. She has led dozens of dream groups, retreats, vision quests, soul journeys, and pilgrimages for individuals, couples, and groups large and small. Ana is the author of ‘The Teachings of Archangel Michael: A Handbook for Humanity’ and host of ‘The Celestial Voice’ podcast and ‘All In Sacred Time’ Podcast . In addition, she is a vocalist, and recording artist of several Audio-Lecture CD’s and Meditation CD’s, as well as angelic transmission CD’s. Ana is the Owner and Director of Questing Spirit LLC on the Big Island of Hawaii where she resides.
Rev. Ana Jones is also the host of several social media pages and leader of a thriving online circle of 360,000 + people on facebook through her page:
Archangel Michael & The Legion of Light