
Mastering Universal Laws – Special Solar Eclipse Event

You Live in The Universe and The Universe Lives In You

You Live in The Universe and The Universe Lives In You


Mastering Universal Laws
Special Solar Eclipse Event

National/International TeleSummit with Phillip & Ana Jones

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Held on the day of The Partial Solar Eclipse
SUNday Sept. 13, 2015 – at 7pm eastern/4pm pacific
via Online Video Conference or TeleConference


MP3 recording of the tele-summit included; a download link will be emailed to you after the event
(Please allow 3-7 business days for the download link to be sent to your email box)
A printable pdf of Metatron’s Cube sacred geometry will be made available immediately after your reserve your place for you to use during the guided manifestation meditation.
To Register by Phone Call: 808-775-9911[/contentbox]

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It’s time to move deeper into your Personal and Spiritual Mastery!

sunearthmoonIn preparation for the upcoming ‘next phase’ in the ongoing ‘Shift of The Ages’ we are excited to announce a ONE TIME TELE-SUMMIT EVENT THAT PROMISES TO BE TRULY STELLAR!

In this special TWO HOUR tele-conference Rev. Ana Jones, will be joined by her husband and award winning author, Phillip Jones, MA, LMHC. Together they will explain the fundamentals of the most important Universal Laws that govern & co-create everything in our lives. Drawing upon Ana & Phillip’s collective knowledge of spirituality, psychology, energetics, and quantum physics, they will cover the basics and beyond of Universal Laws and help you gain insight into how they work independently and together in an interconnected synergy.

They will help you to explore how you can work with and master these laws in a very practical way, in order to co-create and manifest your highest vision for your personal destiny and our collective planetary future.

They will discuss the answers to the following crucial questions:

What are The Universal Laws?

How can I master the Universal Laws?

Is it possible to be”victims” of The Universal Laws?

What is the Law of Attraction? How can I deepen my understand and work with it?

What is The Law of Love?

What is The Law of Dharma and the Law of Karma?

What is the The Law of Oneness & Law Complementarity?

How do The Universal Laws work together?

How do I co-create my reality within these Laws?

How can we work with the Universal Laws to Advance a New Paradigm of Peace & Prosperity for All?

THEN, after the teaching portion Ana will lead in a Solar Eclipse Soul Alignment & guided MANIFESTATION MEDITATION using the Sacred Symbol/Sacred Geometry known as Metatron’s Cube

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Held on the day of The Partial Solar Eclipse
SUNday Sept. 13, 2015 – at 7pm eastern/4pm pacific
via Online Video Conference or TeleConference


MP3 recording of the tele-summit included; a download link will be emailed to you after the event
(Please allow 3-7 business days for the download link to be sent to your email box)
A printable pdf of Metatron’s Cube sacred geometry will be made available immediately after your reserve your place for you to use during the guided manifestation meditation.
To Register by Phone Call: 808-775-9911[/contentbox]

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About The Guided Manifestation Meditation Included in this Tele-Summit

guidedmeditationMetatron’s Cube is a sacred symbol of mystical power associated with the Archangel Metatron that contains within it’s transcendental form all of the sacred geometry necessary for manifesting our dreams, goals, and intentions into form.

There will be a Partial Solar Eclipse occurring on Sunday Sept. 13th, the day of this Mastering Universal Laws tele-summit. While the eclipse is not visible to everyone, we all feel the effects of these earth, moon, and sun alignments. Solar Eclipse’s and other celestial events are important sacred times to go deeper into soul alignment and do spiritual work.

Rev. Ana Jones will lead a short soul alignment followed by a Manifestation Meditation working with Metatron’s Cube at the end of this tele-summit.

Every participant once registered will receive 2 printable pdf versions of Metatron’s Cube to use during the meditation.

Phillip Jones

About Phillip Jones

Phillip Jones, MA, LMHC, is a holistically oriented licensed psychotherapist, interfaith spiritual teacher, and rites of passage facilitator, who currently serves as the senior spiritual counselor for Hospice of Hilo on Hawaii’s Big Island. Phillip also gives lectures, leads seminars, and facilitates sacred pilgrimages and retreats with his wife to sacred sites.

Phillip’s undergraduate degree in science and system engineering led him later in life to the fields of psychology, philosophy and religion to find complementary answers to life’s pressing questions. Leaving a high-paying job in systems engineering at a nuclear submarine base, Phillip opted for seventeen years of spiritual study and discipline as a Hindu monk. After experiences in India which helped him to grasp the deep wisdom of the ancient Vedic culture, he spent six years studying with teachers of many religious traditions. In the early 90’s he organized over a dozen North American Interfaith Conferences to make the universal wisdom teachings of these traditions available to the public.

Phillip began an intensive study of Carl Jung’s teachings in 1993, and later incorporated Jung’s personality insights with principles of indigenous Medicine Wheels. This  has evolved into ‘The Life Wheel’ Model which Phillip has spent years developing as a tool to help each person to find their ‘life purpose’ vocation and how it fits into the larger circles of family, community, business, etc.

Phillip married his twin soul Ana Jones in 1995. Since 1995, Phillip has worked with young people going through adolescent rites (as a Family Therapist), middle aged people going through vision/spiritual quests (as a retreat leader), and terminally ill people going through the Last Rite of Passage as a hospice spiritual counselor. Phillip’s work with people of all ages in successfully navigating rites of passages has led him also to develop a ‘Four Stages of Life’ Model which can help a person balance the physical, social, psychological and spiritual tasks relevant to each stage.

Phillip’s depth of experience in the yoga paths and spiritual tradition of India give him profound insights into ancient wisdom for our modern day lives. The underlying principle which ties Phillip’s work together is unity in diversity: how a person may live a spiritual/psychologically sound life in a very materialistic and diverse culture. Honoring the individuality and the interconnectedness of each person as the particle/wave metaphor of modern quantum physics.

Rev Ana Jones

About Ana

REV. ANA JONES is an internationally known Interfaith Minister, Reiki Master-Teacher, and life-long Clairvoyant Medium. Ana has been developing her expertise in the fields of Holistic Energy Medicine, Intuition, and Spirituality for over 34 years.

She has served for many, as a teacher of the teachers and healer of the healers and her peers know her professionally as an insightful visionary and eloquent luminary for holistic living and spiritual enlightenment.

As a healer Ana practices master level, advanced forms of energy healing and is a gifted Natural Health Consultant and Medical Intuitive. She has been a regularly featured guest on talk radio shows, and has been a guest speaker and/or presenter at Holistic Expos, and dozens of churches, bookstores, and healing centers throughout the US.

Rev. Jones leads regular classes and workshops on a wide range of subjects pertaining to spirituality, holistic health, women’s empowerment and conscious holistic living. She has led dozens of retreats, vision quests, soul journeys, and pilgrimages for individuals, couples, and groups large and small. Ana is the author of ‘The Teachings of Archangel Michael: A Handbook for Humanity and is the host of ‘The Celestial Voice’ Podcast and ‘All in Sacred Time’ Podcast available on iTunes. In addition, she is a vocalist, and recording artist of numerous audios lectures, classes, workshops and meditations covering a variety of Holistic Living and Spiritual subjects as well as recorded Angelic Transmissions. She is the host of several Facebook fan pages including her thriving online spiritual community called ‘Archangel Michael & The Legion of Light’ which has 363,000 members, and growing!

Ana is the Owner and Director of Questing Spirit LLC on the Big Island of Hawaii where she resides with her husband and twin soul, Phillip Jones.

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Held on the day of The Partial Solar Eclipse
SUNday Sept. 13, 2015 – at 7pm eastern/4pm pacific
via Online Video Conference or TeleConference


MP3 recording of the tele-summit included; a download link will be emailed to you after the event
(Please allow 3-7 business days for the download link to be sent to your email box)
A printable pdf of Metatron’s Cube sacred geometry will be made available immediately after your reserve your place for you to use during the guided manifestation meditation.
To Register by Phone Call: 808-775-9911[/contentbox]