Session Preparation and Disclaimer



Ana has used her intuitive gifts to “read” the energy fields, soul records, and life stories of clients over the course of 32 years, with 23 of those years in professional practice. In preparation for your session, it’s important to be acquainted with some of Ana’s practices and procedures as a professional intuitive and spiritual healer.

All sessions are designed to draw upon Ana’s experience in doing thousands of readings, along with her well-developed intuitive abilities. In addition, as it applies to you and your situation, she may use wisdom from extensive study in the subjects of spiritual energy healing, holistic health, wellness, psychology, metaphysics, and the theologies of major world religions and spiritual traditions.

If you are doing a phone or Skype session with Ana, you will get the most benefit by planning in advance to be in a private place where you can be quiet and uninterrupted for the entire session. Prepare questions in advance that you would like help with and insight into. At the actual time of the appointment, Ana will go over all questions with you, and guide you through all of the steps she follows.

Rev. Ana prays to receive only what is for your highest good, and will guide you to join her in focusing on intentions and prayers that she uses as tools to anchor you and herself fully in Divine Light throughout the entire session.

Using her clairvoyant abilities, Ana may receive pictures and images that she will describe to you. Using her clairaudience she may receive auditory messages that she will deliver to you. Using her empathic abilities she may receive intuitive feelings and then describe them to you. She may also use her gifts of clairsentience to describe other things that come to her through this type of ‘intuitive knowing.’ Depending on what type of session you schedule, she may also use her abilities as a medium and deep trance channel to connect with your personal angels and spirit guides, allowing them to communicate with you through her voice.

No matter what Ana receives and describes, free will is always involved. Free will can always change things. Thus, she will provide you with guidance and insight in how to make positive changes that are in alignment with your true will; but it is important to understand that some things are not foreseeable and sometimes you are not meant to know or change the outcome of something.

While Ana has an excellent reputation for her accurate intuitive perception, a higher order and timing is also very involved in this work. Therefore it is recommended that you be clear in your intentions and questions, relax, keep an open mind, be flexible to go with the flow of the session, and do not be attached to specific outcomes or results.

Once you have pre-paid for your session, and submitted your appointment scheduling request form, Ana will contact you either via email or telephone within 24-48 hours to schedule an appointment time. Scheduling is done first come, first serve. She will provide you with the open times slots she has available so that you may choose what works best for your schedule.

Most people are able to receive their session within 2-14 days of submitting the scheduling request/information form. Please be advised however that during certain times of the year Ana’s schedule can get quite backed up due to high demand for her work, as well as time constraints from her national/international teaching, speaking, and travel schedule. However, even during those times you will be able to have your appointment with her in 30 days or less depending on availability.

Ana also asks that you do not to intake any alcohol or mind-altering substances 12-24 hours prior to your session.


*By purchasing, scheduling and confirming your appointment with Rev. Ana Jones you understand and accept the following:

You, as the client, are 100% responsible for any action(s) you take based on your interpretation of the insights presented in a session with Rev. Ana Jones.  A consultation and session with Ana is in no way meant to replace professional medical care from a doctor, legal advice from an attorney, or care from a licensed counselor or psychologist. All of her sessions are deeply spiritual in nature. While her intuitive insights are very profound and may help you to find the clarity you seek, she cannot provide a guarantee of accuracy. A session is meant as spiritual and intuitive guidance only to help you better understand yourself, where you have been, where you are now and where you potentially may be going. In healing sessions with her she makes no claims of diagnosis or guarantees of cures. Ana’s holistic healing sessions are designed to complement any and all other medical care you may be undergoing or need to undergo. The fee paid for your session is to cover all of the expenses that go into providing these services and for the output of energy and time Rev. Ana dedicates on your behalf. By scheduling and accepting an appointment for a private session, you release Rev. Ana Jones, and/or Questing Spirit, LLC from any and all legal responsibility from your session.

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All Readings & Healing Sessions Are By Appointment Only!

  • Phone or Skype Sessions are available Nationwide and Worldwide with Rev. Ana Jones
  • U.S. Clients: Session includes a free long distance call during the session (Ana calls you if you are within the USA).
  • International Clients: Calls must be done through Skype or you call Ana.
    In-Person Sessions are offered at The Studio ~ Center for Holistic Arts in Honokaa, Hawaii
  • Appointments are scheduled Monday through Friday.
  • The fees include a CD or MP3 recording of the session that is given to you or mailed to you (shipping & handling of your CD is also included in the fee for the readings.) If  done by phone the fee includes the long distance phone call ( Ana calls you at the time of the session, excluding international calls outside the U.S.A.). International readings are offered via Skype or phone sessions where you call her.