
New Moon Workshop – July 23, 2017

World-Wide Online Workshop Registration …

New Moon ONLINE Chakra Balancing Meditation
and Guided Shamanic HEALING Journey

In Preparation for the upcoming ECLIPSE SEASON in August, Rev. Ana Jones is offering this special July New Moon workshop/event ONLINE

Sunday, July 23, 2017
8:00 – 10:00 pm US EASTERN time

Worksop Starting Time in the U.S. is at:
8 pm Eastern Time (US)
7 pm Central Time (US)
6 pm Mountain Time (US)
5 pm Pacific Time (US)

Note: Those of you calling in from other parts of the world outside of the USA, please check with the time converter below For those of you in other countries, for the Correct Time in Your Time Zone please check this Time Converter

Led by Ana Jones
Internationally known Master Healer and Clairvoyant Medium

Held via ZOOM Video Conference
All who Register will be sent a website link to log into the video conference and participate live.

An mp3 audio recording will also be made and sent to all registrants and live participation is recommended but not required.
The download link will be delivered to you after the Live Tele-Conference (usually less than a week afterward).


New Moon Workshop - July 23, 2017

To Inquire by Phone Call: 808-775-9911

A New Moon is the perfect time to:
Welcome New Beginnings
Set New Intentions
​Find New Balance
Heal Your Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit

In this special ONLINE July event, internationally known Master Healer and Interfaith Minister, Rev. Ana Jones will facilitate a sacred new moon chakra healing meditation & guided inner journey for clearing away old and blocked energies and healing yourself so that your highest intentions can manifest in a way that helps you stay more balanced and thrive during the coming eclipse season that will be ushered in during this moon cycle. You are invited to join Ana online via ZOOM video conference for welcoming in the new energies on The New Moon happening in The Tropical Sign of Leo / Sidereal Sign of Cancer. This new moon will be the moon cycle of mid-summer that precedes and prepares us for the upcoming major shifts of the full moon lunar eclipse that will be occurring on August 7th and the rare North American New Black Moon Solar Eclipse happening on August 21, 2017.

This powerful evening event will start by setting intentions for the new beginnings you are welcoming into your life, and making a deep guided grounding connection with The Earth through your chakras. Following Ana will give teachings about this NEW MOON CYCLE AS WELL AS THE UPCOMING LUNAR ECLIPSE AND SOLAR ECLIPSE in August, giving you insights into what to prepare for mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually for the upcoming KARMA CLEANSING and SHADOW CLEARING that this unique combination of eclipses is bringing forth. These new energies are creating the greatest energetic shifts we have seen and will see in all of 2017. Then Ana will lead the group through a guided inner HEALING JOURNEY based on shamanic journeying techniques for HEALING AND ALIGNING BODY, MIND, & SPIRIT.


​NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! This customized Inner Journey is based on ancient shamanic journey practices that have been adapted for modern day beginners. The journeyer will be guided through visualization, voice and live drumming done by Ana. Similar to a combination of meditation and lucid dreaming, only done in a waking state, the journeyer remains consciously in control of the journey at all times while receiving Divine guidance and spiritual healing.

Led by Ana Jones
Internationally known Master Healer and Clairvoyant Medium

Held via ZOOM Video Conference
All who Register will be sent a website link to log into the video conference and participate live.

An mp3 audio recording will also be made and sent to all registrants and live participation is recommended but not required.
The download link will be delivered to you after the Live Tele-Conference (usually less than a week afterward).


New Moon Workshop - July 23, 2017

To Inquire by Phone Call: 808-775-9911

 Healing Meditation & Journey Leader:
Master Healer & Master Teacher, Ana Jones

ANA JONES is an internationally known Interfaith Minister, Reiki Master-Teacher, and life-long Clairvoyant. Ana has been developing her expertise in the fields of Holistic Energy Medicine, Intuition, and Spirituality for over 36 years. She is a multi-gifted modern mystic who has served for many, as a teacher of the teachers and healer of the healers and her peers know her professionally as an insightful visionary and eloquent luminary for holistic living and spiritual enlightenment.

As a healer Ana practices master level, advanced forms of energy healing and is a gifted Natural Health Consultant and Medical Intuitive. She leads regular classes and workshops on a wide range of subjects pertaining to her vast knowledge of conscious living. She has led dozens of single day and multi-day retreats, soul journeys, and pilgrimages for individuals, couples, and groups large and small.

As an author, Ana’s book on Amazon is ‘The Teachings of Archangel Michael: A Handbook for Humanity.’ In addition, she is the recording artist of dozens of CD’s and mp3’s of lectures, classes, workshops and meditations she has recorded live and in studio. Her greatest outreach is through her work on social media where she hosts several pages including her wildly popular facebook page entitled ‘Archangel Michael & The Legion of Light’ where her inspirational posts reach half a million people weekly.

Ana is the owner and director of Questing Spirit LLC and Questing Spirit Retreats