Halloween Night
Reaching Beyond The Veil for Guidance When The Veil is at It’s Thinnest!
Healing Our Past Karma
Ancestral Healing and Spirit Guide Inner Guided Soul Journey
led by Ana Jones
Held on Zoom
Rev. Ana Jones invites you to join her
LIVE ON ZOOM on Halloween Night when the veil between the material world and the spiritual world is at its thinnest!
Thursday October 31, 2024
Time: 8:00pm – 10:00pm EASTERN TIME
Facilitated by: internationally known Interfaith Minister, Master Healer
& Clairvoyant Medium, Rev. Ana Jones
Held on ZOOM
Attend in the comfort of your own home!
Registration Fee:
Cancellation Policy: Since all participants are given access to the zoom log in details at the time of registering and your registration includes recordings that allow you to participate without being live in person, all registrations for this event are non-refundable.
Includes a ZOOM link that will be emailed to you after you register
so you can participate live on the night of Halloween.
Also includes a fully downloadable digital video recording and an mp3 audio recording of the journey that will be emailed out within 3-5 business days after this zoom event is completed. You can watch this video and do the meditation anytime, at your leisure.
Live participation in the online event is not required.
Discover & Communicate with Your
* Spirit Guides * Animal Totems
* Ancestral Guardians
Remember your true nature, inner strengths , and innate soul gifts
through direct spiritual interaction and sacred correspondence
Join Rev. Ana Jones on this very special night of Halloween. This is an excellent time for connection and communication with your spirit guides and ancestors. Rev. Ana will lead you through a special evening of spiritual practice that will begin with sacred song to attune and purify yourselves, invoke your ancestors and to raise our energetic vibrations. Prayer, affirmations, and intention will then be added as the evening progresses, culminating in a facilitated guided inner soul journey experience.
This inner quest will provide for you the opportunity to commune/communicate with these very special members of your spiritual family who are always with you; helping you to become more conscious of how they love, protect, and serve you. These loving spiritual companions will have the opportunity to give you a message pertaining to an important life question of your choosing, and to give you a gift you that will provide profound insight into your soul gifts, qualities, and traits.
NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! This Shamanic Soul Journey will be based on ancient shamanic journey practices that have been adapted for modern beginners. The journeyer will be guided through visualization and drumming. Similar to lucid dreaming, only done in a waking state, the journeyer remains consciously in control of the journey at all times while receiving Divine guidance.
Be sure to check the list below…
Be somewhere you can relax with your computer close to you so you can see and hear Ana. Zoom also can be streamed through smart phones and tablets. Make sure that you will be completely uninterrupted during the guided journey, close the door, and turn off distractions. Wear layers of comfortable loose fitting clothing, socks, etc. and everything you need to be comfy and stay warm if you decide to lie down for the journey portion. This journey can be done lying down or sitting up but lying down is best when you are prompted by Ana to do so.
Please have a journal, pen, a small sacred object,
and a small stone or crystal with you if possible.
If you have any of the following crystals or gemstones on hand these are recommended for this guided journey: clear phantom quartz, and/or smokey quartz, and/or labradorite, and/or herkimer diamond quartz, and/or seraphinite, and/or cathedral quartz. Rev. Ana will be making a crystal grid in advance with these crystals on her altar for the group to be aided in the journeying work.
So if it’s not possible to have any of these,
these items are NOT required.
It is always best to do meditation and this type of journey work when you have not eaten heavy foods or taken in any form of intoxicants or mind altering medications. These journeys are best when you prepare in advance by clearing your energy and your energetic space before logging on. If you forget to clear your energy field, you will be guided by Ana to do so.
All participants will be able to see Ana, but no one else (not even Ana) will be able to see you, so you will be in undisturbed privacy for this sacred work.
Enjoy this time to go deep within!
Rev. Ana Jones has led hundreds of sacred ceremonies, energy activations, vision quests/pilgrimages, shamanic healing journeys, etc.. She is considered an expert in her field, and is known as a “Teacher of the Teachers and Healer of The Healers.” Her knowledge of spiritual beings, holistic energy healing, planetary transformation, sacred time, and the ongoing paradigm shifts we are experiencing is very broad and deep
Ana is an internationally known Interfaith Minister, a Master Healer, Spiritual Teacher, and life-long Clairvoyant Medium Ana has been developing her expertise in the fields of Holistic Energy Medicine, Intuition, and Spirituality for over 35+ years. She is a multi-gifted modern mystic and her peers know her professionally as an insightful visionary and eloquent luminary for holistic living and spiritual enlightenment.
Her greatest outreach is through her work on social media where she hosts several pages including her wildly popular facebook page entitled ‘Archangel Michael & The Legion of Light’ where her channeled messages and inspirational posts reach half a million people weekly.
Registration Fee:
Cancellation Policy: Since all participants are given access to the zoom log in details at the time of registering and your registration includes recordings that allow you to participate without being live in person, all registrations for this event are non-refundable.
Includes a ZOOM link that will be emailed to you after you register
so you can participate live on the night of Halloween.
Also includes a fully downloadable digital video recording and an mp3 audio recording of the journey that will be emailed out within 3-5 business days after this zoom event is completed. You can watch this video and do the meditation anytime, at your leisure.
Live participation in the online event is not required.