About Ana
REV. ANA JONES is an internationally known Interfaith Minister, Master Healer, Transformational Teacher, and life-long Clairvoyant Medium. Ana has been developing her expertise in the fields of Holistic Energy Medicine, Intuition, and Spirituality for over 37 years. She is a multi-gifted Modern Mystic who has served for many, as a teacher of the teachers and healer of the healers and her peers know her professionally as an insightful visionary and eloquent luminary for holistic living and spiritual enlightenment.
As a healer Ana practices master level, advanced forms of energy healing and is also a gifted Natural Health Consultant and Medical Intuitive. She has been practicing energy healing and receiving light and message transmissions for others since the age of 14. She began her professional private practice in1990 and has helped hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life with her gifts. In addition to her world-wide private session work with clients for healing and readings, she teaches and speaks regularly on a wide range of subjects pertaining to her vast knowledge of spiritual wisdom for conscious living. She has led hundreds of single day and multi-day events, workshops, webinars, retreats, soul journeys, and pilgrimages for individuals, couples, and groups (large and small).
Rev. Jones is a gifted TransMedium who is the author of ‘The Teachings of Archangel Michael: A Handbook for Humanity.’ In addition, she is the recording artist of numerous audio recordings (both CD’s and mp3’s) of lectures, classes, workshops and meditations she has recorded live and in studio. Her greatest outreach is through her work on social media where she hosts several pages including her Rev. Ana Jones page on facebook, her Magdalene Circle page, and her wildly popular facebook page entitled ‘Archangel Michael & The Legion of Light’ where her inspirational posts reach half of a million people weekly.
Ana is the owner of Questing Spirit LLC. When not traveling on tour or on pilgrimage she resides most of the year in Sonoma, CA and spends part of the year on the Big Island of Hawaii. She and her twin soul & husband of 23 years, Phillip Jones, are extroverted intuitive feelers and nature enthusiasts who enjoy visiting power places and spending time at the ocean, as well as hiking the redwood forests and coastal trails. All while keeping the inner child joyful and playful.