Angelic Support for Empaths
Are You An Empath, An Intuitive Feeler or Highly Sensitive Person?
If so, here’s your chance to learn more about using and mastering your gifts as an empath by working more closely with Rev. Ana Jones and The Angels through this ONE TIME Special Limited Offer
Package A
(Value of $200)
Now Only $97
This special bundled package includes:
Awakened Empaths – MP3 Recording
Recorded Tele-Conference Call with Ana exclusively for the people that purchase this package, not available any other way. Ana will share with you ways to recognize, understand, and use your gifts as an empath more fully. You will receive important messages The Angels have given Ana for helping Empath’s at this critical time on our planet.
You will also receive insights on how to co-create with The Angelic Realm to help you manifest more prosperity and abundance in your life, as this can be something that many empaths struggle with.
This special recording will close with a guided Angelic Empowerment Meditation Ana channeled from Archangel Michael that can help you more fully accept the empowered mastery of your empathic gifts and intuitive abilities.
An Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Michael – Channeled by Ana Jones (MP3 Recording)
Recorded exclusively for this ‘Angelic Support for Empaths’ Group Only! The questions asked during this sacred correspondence are on the subjects of Empathy, Intuition, and Protection. IN ADDITION, Ana asks specific questions about how empaths can expand their capacity for LOVE & COMPASSION, even in the midst of pain and sorrow.

Mastering Transmutation: Protection & Energy Clearing for Empaths (MP3 Recording)
A Special Message from Archangel Michael that was recorded in 2016 during a small private group session for empaths. This message from Michael offers a profound teaching on how empath’s can transmute energy as the highest method of protection and connection.
Archangel Michael’s Empowerment Meditation – Channeled and recorded by Ana Jones (MP3 Recording)
A simple, easy to use 20 minute guided visualization meditation to balance and empower you during the changing times we live in. This guided meditation strengthens and expands your consciousness, and facilitates a transformation and clearing of any blockages. It also provides a clearing of your chakra system. This channeled meditation has soft piano music composed and performed by Susan Walsh and ends with wonderful affirmations for healing and empowerment.
Audio time: 20 minutes; File size 8 mb
Package A
($200 Value)
Now Only $97
Package B
(Value of $425)
Now Only $297
This special bundled package includes:

All Listed Above!
A 90 Minute PRIVATE SESSION OF YOUR CHOICE with Rev. Ana Jones by Phone or Skpye
All who purchase this package will be emailed a customized pre-paid coupon code to use anytime over the next 12 months in order to schedule a private phone or skype session with Ana using her online scheduling system through this website. You get to choose any session she offers including her : Angel & Spirit Guide Reading, Angelic Healing Reiki, Clairvoyant Reading, Archetypes of The Soul Life Purpose Reading, and Past Life Soul Contracts Reading.
Developing Intuition – Using All 10 Senses (Audio Class MP3 Download)
Many have heard of a sixth sense that exists beyond the 5 physical senses but few know that ancient mystics and shamans exhibit to us that there are at least 10 senses. In this audio class learn more about the spiritual gifts or ‘senses’ of your intuitive nature and how to develop them and use them. Topics covered will be our spiritual senses of: sight (clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience), feeling (empathy), knowing (clairsentience), and discernment.
Audio time: 1 hour 18 minutes; File size 31 mb
Understanding Your Intuitive Feelings – Intuitive Development (Audio Class MP3 Download)
- Teachings on developing your inner gifts as an INTUITIVE FEELER and understanding more about EMPATHY & EMPATHIC ABILITIES.
- Wisdom Teachings from The Angels on how to discern the different between your emotions and the feelings that you are receiving directly from your intuition.
- Angelic Suggestions/Support on Spiritual and Emotional Clearing that can help you unblock the flow and clarity of your intuitive feelings. Returning you to centeredness on all levels.
- Angelic Communication Meditation for CLEARING YOUR EMOTIONS & USING YOUR INTUITIVE FEELING to experience direct guidance and direction from your angels.
Audio time: 1 hour 54 minutes; File size 26 mb
Package B
($425 Value)
Now Only $297

FREE BONUS to Buyers of Package B !!!
Twelve mp3 Audio Class Recording Downloads of Ana’s in-depth complete course on ‘Co-Creating with The Archangels’
If you are one of the first 10 people to order this Package B then this complete course will be yours to download and listen to at your leisure as a free bonus! Each of the 12 previously recorded classes are approximately 2 hours in length and includes teachings on how to co-create in your life with the help of The Archangels! Each audio class teaches you more about The Archangels and how best to work with them AND every class also includes a unique channeled message from each Archangel.
The list of Archangels covered are in this course of audio classes are: Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Metatron, Sandalphon, Ariel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Zadkiel, Haniel, and Raziel.
Package B
($425 Value)
Now Only $297