
All in Sacred Time Podcast

All in Sacred Time Podcast 1 – The Lunar New Year

Ana Jones includes teachings about the Lunar New Year, The Chinese New Year (Year of The Horse), and details from an annual I Ching Reading she has done with a planetary forecast for 2014. Also included will be insights into the upcoming sacred and celestial events for February 2014 and beyond, including: Imbolc, the celebration of Saint Valentine’s Day, mercury retrograde and more.

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Your Single Sight - Activating Your Spiritual Vision153x153

Your Single Sight: The Importance of Activating Your Spiritual Vision

In this message from Archangel Michael as channeled through Rev. Ana Jones, you will discover how to activate your Spiritual Vision.

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Return to Zero Point: The Dawning of a New Time

Return to Zero Point: The Dawning of a New Time

Angelic Transmission channeled by Rev.Ana Jones; includes an angelic invocation and channeled meditation for centering and anchoring in your connection with The Divine.

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Co-Creating A New Era, A New Life, A New You

Co-Creating A New Era, A New Life, A New You

A 5 part Angelic Transmission channeled by Rev.Ana Jones: Surrendering All To The Light; Surrendering All to Love; Crossing The Threshold; Shifting Into a Higher Vibration; Return to Zero Point: Co-Creating A New Era, A New Life, A New You.

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Angelic Ascension Journey

Angelic Ascension Journey

This is a guided meditation by Ana where she guides you in communing and connecting with your angels for a Journey of Reconnecting with Paradise.

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Empowerment Meditation

Empowerment Meditation

A simple, easy to use guided meditation to balance and empower you during these powerful changing times while also strengthening and expanding your consciousness to help facilitate transformation and clear any blockages.

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Yoga of Living & Dying

The Yoga of Living & Dying

Explore the yoga philosophy and what it teaches us about living a healthy balanced life. Also explore how we are not our bodies and how our life is all a preparation for our ultimate passage to the next life.

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Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise

Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise Mantra Manifestation Meditation

Simple yet powerful, ancient meditation practices to manifest greater health, wealth, and wisdom in your life.

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Soul Journeys

Soul Journeys – Guided Meditations for Connecting with Your Angels and Spirit Guides

Each Soul Journey guided meditation helps you communicate with your higher guidance for useful and practical insight into your daily life.

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Energy Alchemy: Advanced Chakra Balancing & Healing

Advanced Energy Alchemy

In this healing session she facilitates the healing/balancing process by reading and detecting the flow of energy in the body and in your energy anatomy. Then she integrates and applies ancient tried and true “energy medicines” which are known to have a profound effect on your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual well being.

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