Confirmation – Summer Solstice 2014 – Free Teleconference

Summer Solstice 2014 Recording

Summer Solstice 2014 Recording

Did You Miss the Live Teleconference or Do You Want to Listen In Again?

Not to worry … we have you covered!

If you are anxious to Amplify your Light and direct it into the energy grid of the Earth for raising the vibration of the planet, Ana’s Latest Live Angelic Transmission Tele-Conference is a powerful tool with an emotionally moving message and incredible guided meditation. Ah, but did you miss the live teleconference or do you want to revisit it and listen once again? Well then … It’s Not Too Late to Order the mp3 or CD recording…

Click Here to order your copy today


Did You Miss the FREE Conference Call? 

Or Want to The Ability to Listen To The Angelic Message Transmission again and share it with others?

Attending the conference call live is free for everyone. In addition to attending for free you also have the option of ordering a recording of it.
Please note that the recording is done LIVE and the sound quality may vary.

MP3 Download Version (immediate download) $10

Summer Solstice Angelic Transmission from Archangel Michael

CD Version Shipped to You (allow 2-3 weeks for delivery) (You will also receive the MP3 Audio version through an immediate audio download link) $15 (plus $3 shipping and handling)

Summer Solstice Angelic Transmission from Archangel Michael


Angelic Transmission 
A LIVE channeled, Sacred Correspondence with The Archangel Michael 
World-Wide TeleConference Hosted by Rev. Ana Jones

  The PHONE NUMBER to call for the teleconference is: 1-760-569-7676 The Conference Code is: 167566# Conference Date: SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014   HELD ON THE SAME DAY OF THE Summer Solstice

Conference Call Starting Time in the U.S. is at: 4:00pm Eastern (EDT) 3:00pm Central 2:00pm Mountain 1:00pm Pacific (PDT) Or, click for an online time converter… Time Converter


Dial the long distance number above via your long distance calling plan, cell phone, or skype. When prompted by the recording to enter your 6 digit conference code, enter the number above. PLEASE BE ON TIME FOR THE CALL. The call host will be online 5-6 minutes prior to the call start time so you are welcome to call-in a few minutes early. At the start time the call hosts will begin by muting all participants. You will be muted from us being able to hear you but you will still be able to hear us! This must be done in order to assure quiet online during the meditation and trance channeling. Once the trance channeling is completed we will unmute everyone so there can be some dialogue and questions for Rev. Ana at the end of the call.

You will be asked to PARTICIPATE in the meditation and not just listen in. There is a big difference energetically between a ‘participant’ and a ‘listener’. If you want to just listen and not participate it may be better for you to get the CD and MP3 recording that will be available for order instead, so please let us know if you change your mind. We ask that everyone attending LIVE participate in the prayer & meditation that Rev. Ana will lead, as this will assure the highest possible experience for everyone on the call.


Here are the answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions including 2 new questions at the top that we have been receiving many inquiries about:
Q: What if I am late attending the call can I still dial-in? A: You may dial-in to the call between anytime between within the first 15 minutes of the call. Once it has passed that, the call will be locked out for new guests, So please try to be on time.
Q: What if I need to exit the call early, can I do that?
A: Since you will be muted by the call host no one will hear you if you need to leave the call for some reason, simply hang up but know that you will not be able to log back in. If you need to put down the phone and walk away to go to the restroom or anything else urgent you can safely do so without anyone hearing you since you will be muted on our end. THAT SAID, please be aware that this is no ordinary teleconference, as this event is a sacred correspondence and deep meditation where we are co-creating a collective energy circle. Once you join in the circle, even though we cannot hear you come and go, your energies are felt and have an affect on the circle, so again we encourage you to participate in this event to the fullest as the host guides you to do so.
Q: How does the tele-conference work?
A: Each pre-registered person calls the special phone number above at the appointed time and enters the private code to connect to the group. A special telephone bridge then connects us all, when you call in you will be able to hear Ana & Phillip but they will not be able to hear you once the start time of the conference has passed. It takes a minute to get used to, but everyone is always pleasantly surprised by how truly effective these calls are.
Q: How is a phone conference different from an in-person event?
A: Participating in a tele-conferece is just as powerful as being at an in-person event, if you allow yourself to participate fully as you are instructed. Rev. Jones will give specific instruction to everyone at the beginning of the conference so that each of you can get the most out of the experience.
Q: What Do I Expect to Happen During this Conference Call? 
A: Rev. Jones will speak briefly in the beginning of the call, and then will give instructions to everyone as to how to best align themselves to fully receive the energetic transmission taking place during the call. Rev. Ana will then guide everyone through an angelic invocation prayer and then into an even deeper meditative state where each participant will remain as she then proceeds to trance channel an angelic transmission and profound message from the Archangel Michael. Once the LIVE angelic transmission and energetic activation is complete she will then bring everyone out of the meditation with a prayer at the end and with closing words of her own. We expect the message from Michael to be very uplifting and moving as his messages always are.
Q: Will I be able to ask questions during the channeling or to Rev. Jones?
A: This tele-conference will not be one where questions are submitted .
If you have personal questions you’d like to ask Rev. Ana you can always email her directly to set up an appointment with her for a private phone session. A personal one-on-one phone session can be for spiritual counseling or for a private angelic channeling of your personal angels & guides where you get to ask all of your personal questions.
Q. What if the conference call is at a bad time for me or I am unable to attend for some reason? (Due to work schedules, time zone difference, etc.)
A. If you are registered and then find you are unable to attend please email your cancellation to This channeled message from Archangel Michael will be available for purchase as a CD and an MP3 recording of the call. For ordering see details below at the top of this page.
Q: Will the call be recorded and how can I receive a recording of the call?
A: Yes the call will be recorded. See the recording options toward the top of this page and place your order for either the MP3 downloadable version or a CD version shipped to your doorstep.
Submit All Questions about the logistics of this upcoming event to or call 808-775-9911