Archangel Metatron
Earth Healing Lemurian Crystal Grid, Sacred Sound Activation and Angelic Transmission
Sunday 4/23/23
Three Part Workshop & Spiritual Gathering
Time: 6:00-9:30PM
Held at Soul Source — 18015 Muncaster Rd Derwood, Maryland (rear entrance)
Online registration $45 per person in advance or $55 at the door (space permitting)
Part 1
Group Building of a Metatron’s Cube LEMURIAN CRYSTAL GRID
including Energy Clearing & Sacred Sound Activation
Ana will explain and guide everyone in working with the sacred geometry of Metatron’s Cube and using it for the construction of a Lemurian Seed Quartz Crystal Grid to amplify the energy for all that we will be setting the intentions to manifest. She will lead the group in a sacred sound clearing with the playing of a crystal bowl as well as vocal toning of the ancient Tetragrammaton and other sacred chants. Then she will lead everyone in a GROUP construction of a Metatron’s Cube LEMURIAN SEED CRYSTAL GRID. This will serve as the main altar piece to activate and amplify our energies in the room during the Angelic Transmission from Archangel Metatron and the guided Manifestation Meditation which will follow. Each participant is asked (but not required) to bring a SMALL quartz crystal of any kind or a lemurian quartz crystal if you have one to temporarily place in the extended portion of the grid for the evening. After the event you will be taking your charged crystal back home with you for further manifestation work when this gathering has ended.
Part 2
Angelic Transmission from The Archangel Metatron
Ana will briefly introduce you to Archangel Metatron —The Archangel of Manifestation. She will share teachings about WHO Archangel Metatron historically is in the Angelic Realm and the roles he plays as a Master Teacher of The Sacred Matrix, Web of Life, Celestial Architect of The Akashic Records and Master of Manifestation. She will also introduce you to how she has been guided to use Metatron’s Cube for manifesting intentions and goals. Rev. Ana will then ask Archangel Metatron to give guidance about how we can Manifest Our Hearts True Will and then, using her gifts as a deep trance medium, and her deep connection with The Angels, she will go into a very deep meditative state and provide a channeled vocal transmission of a message from Archangel Metatron.
Part 3
(8:30 – 9:30pm)
Manifesting with Metatron’s Cube
Guided Manifestation Meditation
Metatron’s Cube is a sacred symbol of mystical power associated with the Archangel Metatron that contains within its transcendental form all of the sacred geometry necessary for manifesting everything into physical form! Rev. Ana Jones will be leading a meditation (with Metatron’s Cube) compiled from teachings given in messages from Metatron that she has received as an Angel Medium.
This special one of a kind meditation is an opportunity for you to