Rev. Ana Jones will be featured on the Transformation TV!! ?
Don’t miss watching her interview to be aired/posted on the Transformation TV fb page starting on Monday November 4th at 5pm PST, 6pm MST, 7pm CST, 8pm EST.
Watch Live starting Monday 11/4 At:
A recording of the show will remain up on their page to watch at a later date just look for:
Soul Stories Episode 18
Exit 23: A Spiritual Journey of Unconditional Love with Ana Jones
“In this episode of “Soul Stories” Jena Harris will be interviewing Ana Jones, an internationally known Interfaith Minister & Master Healer. Ana takes us on her soul journey that unfolds into her beautiful love story. She shares the beautiful synchronicities that have happened throughout her life, and then the moment in time where her life took an unexpected, yet inspirational turn. Ana is a highly gifted visionary who is passionate about connecting with others right where they are at and assisting them in their spiritual journeys. Join Jena and Ana in this deeply soulful conversation to help remind you of the unconditional love that is available to all!”