Holistic Healing recordings
Holistic Healing recordings with Ana Jones. Mp3 downloads and CD’s with Ana guiding you with concepts and methods to help you raise your consciousness and and increase your awareness of the holistic principles intrinsic to all life.
The Yoga of Living & Dying
Explore the yoga philosophy and what it teaches us about living a healthy balanced life. Also explore how we are not our bodies and how our life is all a preparation for our ultimate passage to the next life.
Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise Mantra Manifestation Meditation
Simple yet powerful, ancient meditation practices to manifest greater health, wealth, and wisdom in your life.
Soul Journeys – Guided Meditations for Connecting with Your Angels and Spirit Guides
Each Soul Journey guided meditation helps you communicate with your higher guidance for useful and practical insight into your daily life.
Deep Relaxation Meditation
This guided relaxation can be used for Quieting the Mind, Centering the Emotions, Renewing the Body, and Reconnecting to Spirit.
Healing the Inner Child
Healing Your Inner Child is some of the most important healing that all of us need to do. By Healing The Inner Child you can Remember Your Heart’s True Dream. This Audio Class (available in mp3 download and CD shipped to you) goes into Deep Explorations of ways to Heal The Inner Child with suggestions on Conscious Heart-Centered Dreamwork and other techniques.