I am Energy


Energy Anatomy and Energy Healing

Two Part Zoom Webinar/Workshop


PART 1 : Tuesday May 30, 2023 8pm US-Eastern
PART 2 : Tuesday June 13, 2023 8pm US-Eastern

This Online Zoom Webinar Workshop Features An Uplifting Introduction and Overview of:


plus ENERGY HEALING PRACTICES and ENERGY MEDICINE TOOLS for you to learn in order to create maximum Energy, Health, Peace and Joy

Led by Ana Jones
Internationally known Master Healer and Master Teacher

Energy Healing

Online Webinar/Workshop Description :

The first law of thermodynamics states that “everything is made of energy that can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form into another.” The mystics, sages, yogis, and shamans of ancient times have told us that everything has a spirit, a sacred life force presence that manifests and re-manifests in all things. Modern day quantum physics and noetic sciences describe an energy-based Universe that is intelligent and responsive to human intention. All point to the same conclusion…I AM ENERGY!

Healing with life force energy has been used by many cultures over millennia for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation. In this two part Zoom Webinar, we will explore in an introductory way who you are as an energetic being, what constitutes your energy anatomy, how to master your life through mastery of your energy, and how to transform energy from a lower vibration into a higher vibration for greater health, happiness, and abundance in your life.

In addition, we will take an overview look at the present and future of energy medicine and discuss energetic techniques for healing purposes.

In this webinar you will learn about your energy anatomy in new and exciting ways, including the connections between your:
The Meridians
The Nadis
The sushumna

And more… all while receiving insights on how they all work together as one energetic system for wholeness!

No Experience Necessary.
Excellent for Beginners and People working with energy at all levels!

Register Now!
Online 2-Part ZOOM Webinar/Workshop



  • Class Time with Visual Slide Presentation
  • Guided Experiential Chakra Balancing Meditation and Guided Energy Healing
  • Group Distance Reiki Healing sent by Ana to everyone attending the group
  • PDF handout emailed to you at the end of the course
  • Downloadable Video Recordings and mp3 audio recordings emailed directly to you of the webinar within 3-5 business days after the each of the live classes. These recordings are your to listen to over and over again.

Pre-Registration with payment at the time of registering is required.
Since video and audio recordings are emailed to you, all registrations are non-refundable even if you cannot attend the live classes.

All who register will be emailed a zoom link so you can join the live online webinar events from the comfort of your own home, but live participation is not required.

TO INQUIRE BY PHONE Call 808-775-9911

About Ana:

ANA JONES is an internationally known Interfaith Minister, Reiki Master-Teacher, and life-long Clairvoyant. Ana has been developing her expertise in the fields of Holistic Energy Medicine, Intuition, and Spirituality for over 35+ years. She is a multi-gifted modern mystic who has served for many, as a teacher of the teachers and healer of the healers and her peers know her professionally as an insightful visionary and eloquent luminary for holistic living and spiritual enlightenment.

As a healer Ana practices master level, advanced forms of energy healing and is a gifted Natural Health Consultant and Medical Intuitive. She has been a regularly featured guest The Shift Network, s well as on talk radio shows, at Holistic Expos, and dozens of churches, bookstores, and healing centers throughout the US. She leads regular classes and workshops on a wide range of subjects pertaining to her vast knowledge of energy healing and conscious living. She has led dozens of single day and multi-day retreats, soul journeys, and pilgrimages for individuals, couples, and groups large and small including her Mystical France Retreat comin up this Fall.

As an author, Ana’s book on Amazon is ‘The Teachings of Archangel Michael: A Handbook for Humanity.’ In addition, she is the recording artist of numerous audios (CD’s and mp3’s) of lectures, classes, workshops and meditations she has recorded live and in studio. Her greatest outreach is through her work on social media where she hosts several pages including her wildly popular facebook page entitled ‘Archangel Michael & The Legion of Light’ where her inspirational posts reach half a million people weekly.

She does not get a chance to teach very often on the subject of energy anatomy so be sure to REGISTER FOR THIS!

No Experience Necessary.
Excellent for Beginners and People working with energy at all levels!

Register Now!
Online 2-Part ZOOM Webinar/Workshop



  • Class Time with Visual Slide Presentation
  • Guided Experiential Chakra Balancing Meditation and Guided Energy Healing
  • Group Distance Reiki Healing sent by Ana to everyone attending the group
  • PDF handout emailed to you at the end of the course
  • Downloadable Video Recordings and mp3 audio recordings emailed directly to you of the webinar within 3-5 business days after the each of the live classes. These recordings are your to listen to over and over again.

Pre-Registration with payment at the time of registering is required.
Since video and audio recordings are emailed to you, all registrations are non-refundable even if you cannot attend the live classes.

All who register will be emailed a zoom link so you can join the live online webinar events from the comfort of your own home, but live participation is not required.

TO INQUIRE BY PHONE Call 808-775-9911