Angelic Transmission from Archangel Michael
Channeled by Rev. Ana Jones
Recorded LIVE on the Spring Equinox
This Tele-Conference was a powerful and emotionally moving message…here’s one example…
[break] [contentbox width=”” borderwidth=”5″ borderstyle=”solid” bordercolor=”6123A8″ dropshadow=”0″ backgroundcolor=”CBC6F5″ radius=”4″]Bev Almost Missed the Teleconference But Was Guided to Pull Her Car Over and Listen … Read Her Quick Story…
I enjoyed the {teleconference}… I did have to leave today but this energy force was telling me to tune into Michael so I plugged my phone in the car and pulled over to a private spot and asked not to be disturbed. My dog got a little antsy but settled down. When you started the blessing my body felt very heavy, then when you mentioned the circle of light what I saw was a bright light with what looked like a circle of white cotton balls then I saw the beautiful multi colors that you described. Gave me the chills because I was experiencing the same. And then I too was starting to cry. I felt the energy of love and when you said you wept, couldn’t’ t believe I felt that also. I feel a sense of peace… What an awesome feeling of love. Thank you for sharing that gift with us.
(shared with Bev’s permission but last name withheld)
If You Missed the Teleconference, It’s Not Too Late to Order the mp3 or CD recording…
MP3 Download Version
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1 mp3 Audio – Total Length: 1 Hour 20 Minutes … 22MB
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Audio Length: 1 Hour 20 Minutes
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