
Our Unity and Diversity

Celestial Voice Podcast 45 – Our Unity and Diversity

In this most recent podcast from internationally revered conscious trance channel, Ana Jones, Archangel Michael brings through a powerful, clear, urgent and emphatic message. This global angelic transmission was recorded on the day of the 11/11 sacred energetic gateway. Contained within it are timeless teachings about the powerful co-creators that we are, and our oneness […]

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Your Single Sight - Activating Your Spiritual Vision153x153

Your Single Sight: The Importance of Activating Your Spiritual Vision

In this message from Archangel Michael as channeled through Rev. Ana Jones, you will discover how to activate your Spiritual Vision.

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Return to Zero Point: The Dawning of a New Time

Return to Zero Point: The Dawning of a New Time

Angelic Transmission channeled by Rev.Ana Jones; includes an angelic invocation and channeled meditation for centering and anchoring in your connection with The Divine.

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Co-Creating A New Era, A New Life, A New You

Co-Creating A New Era, A New Life, A New You

A 5 part Angelic Transmission channeled by Rev.Ana Jones: Surrendering All To The Light; Surrendering All to Love; Crossing The Threshold; Shifting Into a Higher Vibration; Return to Zero Point: Co-Creating A New Era, A New Life, A New You.

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Angelic Ascension Journey

Angelic Ascension Journey

This is a guided meditation by Ana where she guides you in communing and connecting with your angels for a Journey of Reconnecting with Paradise.

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Empowerment Meditation

Empowerment Meditation

A simple, easy to use guided meditation to balance and empower you during these powerful changing times while also strengthening and expanding your consciousness to help facilitate transformation and clear any blockages.

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