Spring Equinox 2016 - 800x450

Spring Equinox 2018 – Free Teleconference

FREE World-Wide Tele-Conference Registration on the exact day and time of the Spring Equinox …

Spring Equinox 2018
Angelic Transmission from Archangel Michael

Spring Rejuvenation and Inner Balance

Sacred Correspondence with Rev. Ana Jones offering a free 
LIVE Communication & Message
from the Archangel Michael

All Are Welcome… Register Below & Tell Your Friends!   Help Spread the Word!

Tuesday March 20, 2018
at the EXACT TIME of the equinox

Conference Call Starting Time in the U.S. is at:
12:08 pm Eastern Time (US)
11:08 am Central Time (US)
10:08 am Mountain Time (US)
9:08 am Pacific Time (US)

Note: Those of you calling in from other parts of the world outside of the USA, please check with the time converter below For those of you in other countries, for the Correct Time in Your Time Zone please check this Time Converter

This FREE Conference Call Event will include a guided angelic invocation/ meditation as well as a LIVE channeled message from the Archangel Michael through Rev. Ana Jones. During the call Rev. Jones will ask questions to the Angels, asking for guidance to be given. She will ask for direct insight and angelic wisdom to be given to help us all. The messages that have come during the previous world-wide Angelic Transmissions Ana has facilitated have all provided deep support for the profound growth and transformations being experienced in this time period of great change.

Pre-Registration Required!!


Sign up using the Registration Form above.
We will notify you via email when the recording is posted on this website for online audio listening only.

Can’t Attend the FREE Conference Call?
Or Want to The Ability to Listen To The Angelic Message Transmission again and share it with others?

 However, many people like to have their own personal copy of these recordings.
Order your own personal copy below!

Attending the conference call live is free for everyone.
In addition to attending for free you also have the option of ordering a recording of it.

Please note that the recording is done LIVE and the sound quality may vary.

MP3 Download Version
(The download link will be delivered to you after the Live Tele-Conference (usually less than a week afterward)


Spring Equinox Angelic Transmission from Archangel Michael

CD Version Shipped to You With MP3 Download as a Bonus!
(allow 3-5 weeks for delivery)
You will also receive the MP3 Audio version through an audio download link that will be emailed to you after the Live Tele-Conference (usually less than a week afterward)

(plus $3 shipping and handling)

Spring Equinox Angelic Transmission from Archangel Michael


Spring Rejuvenation and Inner Balance

Greetings Everyone,

The vernal equinox energies will be peak for 3 days, the day before March 20th, the day of, and the day after, but will linger with us and ripple all throughout the upcoming weeks of Spring bringing with it new opportunities and energies for healing, awakening and restoration of balance.

Amplifying the energetic effects of this year’s vernal equinox will be yet another Blue Moon happening later in the month on March 31st. Being the first full moon of the spring season, it is known in native cultures as ‘The Moon of The Budding Trees’ as that which has been lying dormant starts to awaken and burst forth with beauty and new life. This full moon is also special as it is the second full moon occurring in the calendar month of March making it a rare BLUE MOON where we can expect the unexpected and send out special intentions for things that you never thought probable in your life before.

Confluences of sacred times like these are precious and if we use the energies and spiritual support we are being given to consciously co-create what we want to see in our lives and in our world. Now more than ever it is a time to come together and UNITE OUR LIGHT world-wide. It’s time to UNITE for the next steps in the major evolutionary quantum leaps we are all collectively taking. It’s time to do prayer, ritual and ceremony for personal balance as well as to invoke a balance of power in our government, a balance of equality among races and cultures, and a balance between masculine and feminine.

I would like to invite you all to join me in celebrating this special occasion of sacred time for a FREE tele-conference event I am hosting on Tuesday 3/20/18.

As a modern mystic, I have been receiving many signs, synchronicities, and messages from Spirit and The Angels about this NEW ERA for the last 30+ years, so I am overjoyed to be offering yet another FREE ANGELIC TRANSMISSION TELE-CONFERENCE THIS TUESDAY on the day of the equinox where we can come together, call in the Archangel Michael, and receive his channeled guidance in moving forward on our next steps together as co-creators with the Higher Beings of Light that are amassed in great numbers helping us to reach our mastery in this New Time of Transformation.

Blessings for The Spring!
Rev. Ana Jones

Tuesday March 20, 2018
at the EXACT TIME of the equinox

Conference Call Starting Time in the U.S. is at:
12:08 pm Eastern Time (US)
11:08 am Central Time (US)
10:08 am Mountain Time (US)
9:08 am Pacific Time (US)

Note: Those of you calling in from other parts of the world outside of the USA, please check with the time converter below For those of you in other countries, for the Correct Time in Your Time Zone please check this Time Converter

This FREE Conference Call Event will include a guided angelic invocation/ meditation as well as a LIVE channeled message from the Archangel Michael through Rev. Ana Jones. During the call Rev. Jones will ask questions to the Angels, asking for guidance to be given. She will ask for direct insight and angelic wisdom to be given to help us all. The messages that have come during the previous world-wide Angelic Transmissions Ana has facilitated have all provided deep support for the profound growth and transformations being experienced in this time period of great change.

Pre-Registration Required!!

