Manifesting with Metatron’s Cube
Guided Manifestation Meditation
with Rev. Ana Jones
Metatron’s Cube is a sacred symbol of mystical power associated with the Archangel Metatron that contains within its transcendental form all of the sacred geometry necessary for manifesting our dreams, goals, and intentions into form!!
Rev. Ana Jones presents a brand new meditation she has written and compiled from teachings she has given on Archangel Metatron and messages she has received from Metatron as an Angel Medium (see her bio below) .
This special recorded meditation is an opportunity for you to
On the recording you will discover the following:
- Explanations about Metatron’s Cube and Suggestions for formulating your Intentions for Manifesting your Goals & Dreams.
- Guided Manifestation Meditation with Metatron’s Cube.
- Your own personal copy of a downloadable mp3 recording of the meditation for you to use again and again for ongoing manifestation work.
(The meditation will also be available to purchase separately on CD in the future). - You will also be able to download 2 different versions of an 8.5′ x 11′ printable pdf of Metatron’s Cube for you to keep, print out and use during the meditation.
Includes an mp3 audio recording (over an hour of listening time)
Two (2) pdf versions of the Metatron Cube
MP3 – Regular Price
Discount the Holiday Coupon 35OFF222
CD – Regular Price
Discount the Holiday Coupon 35OFF2022