Ana Jones

Celestial Voice Angelic Message Podcast

Celestial Voice Podcast 3 – Planetary Healing & Transformation

Guided Meditation for Planetary Healing followed by an Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Michael channeled by Rev. Ana Jones
recorded live on 12-12-12 via International TeleConference

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All in Sacred Time Podcast

All in Sacred Time Podcast 2 – Spring Forward

In her second show, internationally known Interfaith Minister, Ana Jones teaches and shares insights into the upcoming sacred and celestial events for March 2014 and beyond, including: The new moon in Pisces, the powerful Purim & Gaura Purnima Full Moon, the upcoming Vernal Equinox (Spring), the beginning of the Easter Season and more.

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Celestial Voice Angelic Message Podcast

Celestial Voice Podcast 1 – Sourcing from Source

Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Michael channeled by Rev. Ana Jones recorded live on the Winter Solstice of 2011 (12/21/11) via International Teleconference

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Medical Intuitive – Health Reading & Energy Assessments

Medical Intuitive – Health Reading and Energy Assessments

Each medical intuitive session includes a reading and assessment of your body, your energy fields and your chakra system as well as other wellness information to help guide you on your journey of wellness.

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Reiki – Energy Healing – Distance Treatments

Reiki – Distance Healing by Phone & In Person Treatments

Reiki can be used to help restore energy levels, heal or ease pain and discomfort, and to reduce stress and tension. It has been reported by clients that it has the ability to clear and balance anxiety, depression, and other emotional imbalances and distresses.

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Life Enrichment Coaching Sessions with Ana Jones

Coaching Sessions with Ana Jones

These sessions can also be used to help you integrate the wisdom and guidance received in a reading with Ana. Coaching can be instrumental at any time in your life but especially when you are feeling ready for transformation or to make a quantum leap forward in your life.

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Soul Contracts & Past Life Readings

Soul Contracts and Past Life Channeled Readings

This session is excellent for when you are having relationship difficulties, having unexplained patterns reoccurring in your life, feel blocked and don’t know why, need help breaking old patterns, are trying to clear away karmic connections, seeking to uncover your life purpose, etc.

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Energy Healing

Rev. Ana Jones in this recording of a live presentation in Hawaii, offers you some tools to help you live a spiritual life in a material world.

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story of an angel

The Story of An Angel

I hear the sound of the children, the child inside of you, the children in your life and the children of this world. I hear them all as one voice. I hear their laughter I hear their tears.

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Life and Past Times of Yeshua – A Message from Archangel Metatron

Teachings on the Life and Past Times of Yeshua – A Message from Archangel Metatron

That which is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient is without limitation. To know the Whole, those limitations must be removed; the Whole must be approached differently. That said, there is a great deal of clarity that can be added to your current understanding and that is my intention today.

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