Celestial Voice Podcast 42 – Shifting Harmonics – The Presence and Role of Harmony in Our Daily Lives

This podcast includes a guided candle lighting and prayer/song for peace which can be done anytime, anywhere and for any purpose of co-creating peace in our lives and in our world. Then the timeless message from Archangel Michael begins with many deep and significant teachings about the virtue of peace as a constant presence in our lives that is part of the natural order of our inner selves and the natural world all around us. The messages goes on into revelations about unity and and especially harmony, and allowing ourselves to receive it and experience it in the coming new stages of our lives that are coming ahead. 

Shifting Harmonics - The Presence & Role of Harmony in Our Daily Lives

Harmony is described in unique ways, as a sacred virtue that allows for all things to exist in balance. Included in the many topics of this very special message are teachings about how:

  • Synchronicity is described as happening in our lives due to harmonics. 
  • Alignment with the natural order of the world and the Universe exists in a harmonic state. 
  • Courage is not the absence of fear, peace is not the absence of discord.
  • There will be several keys moments of significant harmonic shifts happening over the course of the next year and beyond
  • Destiny is not just about what we are meant to do or give, but also it is about what we are meant to receive

(recorded live on the winter solstice 2023)

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