Angels and Archangels recordings

Angels and Archangel recordings with Ana Jones. Mp3 downloads and CD’s are available as Ana presents Angelic Communications and guides you in establishing personal and more clear spiritual communications and connections.


Spring Into Synergy

Angelic Transmission from Archangel Michael Channeled by Rev. Ana Jones Recorded LIVE on the Spring Equinox   This Tele-Conference was a powerful and emotionally moving message…here’s one example… [break] [contentbox width=”” borderwidth=”5″ borderstyle=”solid” bordercolor=”6123A8″ dropshadow=”0″ backgroundcolor=”CBC6F5″ radius=”4″] Bev Almost Missed the Teleconference But Was Guided to Pull Her Car Over and Listen … Read Her Quick […]

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co-creating archangels

Co-Creating with The Archangels

Recorded Teleclass Series taught by Rev. Ana Jones You can order all 4 classes and save… Or, order each class individually. Read more details on each class and click the “Add to Cart” button and order what you need below…

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Your Single Sight - Activating Your Spiritual Vision153x153

Your Single Sight: The Importance of Activating Your Spiritual Vision

In this message from Archangel Michael as channeled through Rev. Ana Jones, you will discover how to activate your Spiritual Vision.

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Return to Zero Point: The Dawning of a New Time

Return to Zero Point: The Dawning of a New Time

Angelic Transmission channeled by Rev.Ana Jones; includes an angelic invocation and channeled meditation for centering and anchoring in your connection with The Divine.

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Co-Creating A New Era, A New Life, A New You

Co-Creating A New Era, A New Life, A New You

A 5 part Angelic Transmission channeled by Rev.Ana Jones: Surrendering All To The Light; Surrendering All to Love; Crossing The Threshold; Shifting Into a Higher Vibration; Return to Zero Point: Co-Creating A New Era, A New Life, A New You.

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Angelic Ascension Journey

Angelic Ascension Journey

This is a guided meditation by Ana where she guides you in communing and connecting with your angels for a Journey of Reconnecting with Paradise.

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Empowerment Meditation

Empowerment Meditation

A simple, easy to use guided meditation to balance and empower you during these powerful changing times while also strengthening and expanding your consciousness to help facilitate transformation and clear any blockages.

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Soul Journeys

Soul Journeys – Guided Meditations for Connecting with Your Angels and Spirit Guides

Each Soul Journey guided meditation helps you communicate with your higher guidance for useful and practical insight into your daily life.

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Handbook for Humanity

The Teachings of Archangel Michael – A Handbook for Humanity

This Handbook for Humanity contains urgent wisdom teachings from the Archangel Michael, showing us how to improve and balance our relationships for the healing of ourselves and the world.

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