Ana Jones

Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect

In indigenous cultures, ancient or modern, the circles of the sun, moon and planets relative to the earth, as well as cycles of these and other celestial bodies, are considered critical to one’s understanding of life and living.

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Future Vision

Future Vision

Albert Einstein once said: “the only real valuable thing is intuition,” and “the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Intuition and imagination are absolutely essential elements in our lives. Without imagination we would not be able to create anything, since everything that humankind has ever made has been conceived first in someone’s […]

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Earth My Body, Water My Blood

Earth My Body, Water My Blood

The four elements earth, air, fire and water make up everything that exists on this planet. There are sacred songs honoring the four elements that have been in existence since the beginning of human kind. A beautiful chant sung in spiritual circles today has simple lyrics that remind us of a very profound truth. The […]

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As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below

Healthy cultures, both ancient and modern, exist in harmony with the natural laws. They seek to align their societies with Sacred Time and Sacred Space. Ancient people gave a clue to their secret for living in Sacred Time: ‘as above, so below.’ These wise words tell us to align and synchronize our lives with the […]

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Spirit of the Age

Spirit of the Age

The ‘Spirit of this Age’ is helping us all to give up our comparisons, judgments, prejudices and fears. This is sorely needed if we are to harness the incredible power and passion of religion and spirituality for solving problems through Unity rather than exacerbating problems through Divisiveness.

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Healing Our World

Healing Our World, One Heart At A Time

There are numerous and diverse voices complaining these days about a broken government, a broken economy, and a “broken system.” The high divorce rate and rampant drug use among our children and young adults speaks of broken families. Rising levels of people with cancer and heart disease speak of broken bodies in need of integrated […]

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Life In The Balance

Life In The Balance

With so much instability in our lives and in the world, it is sometimes difficult to believe that our hopes and dreams are still possible and probable. As the Hopis point out, we are a world out of balance. The primary hope for humanity in this new decade and this new millennium is for BALANCE. […]

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Laws of Giving and Receiving

The Laws of Giving and Receiving

There is an unbreakable Universal Law of Giving interwoven into the very fabric of the universe, and necessary for the existence of life itself. There is also the Universal Law of Receiving that is intricately interwoven with life as well. Together they make up the flow of balance for all life, for nothing could ever […]

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Shift Happens

Shift Happens

The first law of thermodynamics states that “everything is made of energy that can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form into another.” Particle physics has proven that all that we are and all that is around us is made of nothing but this energy and that matter, the physical body included, […]

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No Change = No Life

No Change = No Life

In the 1960’s President John F. Kennedy reminded the nation of a universal truth that applies to all life on earth. He eloquently stated that “the one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is unchangeable or certain.” Since it is clear to all that we live in a dynamic world of change and uncertainty, why is […]

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