Holistic Healing Sessions

Holistic Healing services and sessions with Ana Jones. Discover with the help of Rev. Ana Jones how to raise your consciousness about holistic principles and healing to help you integrate a more harmonious way of life and of living in concert with all of Creation.

Energy Alchemy: Advanced Chakra Balancing & Healing

Advanced Energy Alchemy

In this healing session she facilitates the healing/balancing process by reading and detecting the flow of energy in the body and in your energy anatomy. Then she integrates and applies ancient tried and true “energy medicines” which are known to have a profound effect on your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual well being.

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Medical Intuitive – Health Reading & Energy Assessments

Medical Intuitive – Health Reading and Energy Assessments

Each medical intuitive session includes a reading and assessment of your body, your energy fields and your chakra system as well as other wellness information to help guide you on your journey of wellness.

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Reiki – Energy Healing – Distance Treatments

Reiki – Distance Healing by Phone & In Person Treatments

Reiki can be used to help restore energy levels, heal or ease pain and discomfort, and to reduce stress and tension. It has been reported by clients that it has the ability to clear and balance anxiety, depression, and other emotional imbalances and distresses.

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Angelic Healing Reiki

Angelic Healing Reiki

Angelic Healing Reiki is a combination session of Reiki energy healing, medical intuition consulting, and clairaudient angelic communication where your personal Angels and Guides are invoked to aid you in whatever your personal healing intention is for the session.

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Life Enrichment Coaching Sessions with Ana Jones

Coaching Sessions with Ana Jones

These sessions can also be used to help you integrate the wisdom and guidance received in a reading with Ana. Coaching can be instrumental at any time in your life but especially when you are feeling ready for transformation or to make a quantum leap forward in your life.

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