Ana Jones

All in Sacred Time Podcast

All in Sacred Time Podcast 7 – Clearing for The Fall Equinox

September Lunar & Cosmos Report : ‘Clearing for The Fall Equinox’ Ana Jones teaches and shares insights into the upcoming sacred and celestial events for the new lunar month (moonth) and beyond, including the upcoming Full Moon of September which is known as the HARVEST MOON and is the 3rd in a series of 3 […]

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Mystical France Pilgrimage Teleconference 3 – The Magdalene, The Grail and You

Discover a labyrinth of myth, legend, mystical experiences, and historical insights that help you to more deeply understand Mary Magdalene & The Holy Grail.

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Celestial Voice Angelic Message Podcast

Celestial Voice Podcast 5 – In Giving, You Receive

Guided Angelic Communication Meditation followed by an Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Michael channeled by Rev. Ana Jones.

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Spring Into Synergy

Angelic Transmission from Archangel Michael Channeled by Rev. Ana Jones Recorded LIVE on the Spring Equinox   This Tele-Conference was a powerful and emotionally moving message…here’s one example… [contentbox width=”” borderwidth=”5″ borderstyle=”solid” bordercolor=”6123A8″ dropshadow=”0″ backgroundcolor=”CBC6F5″ radius=”4″] Bev Almost Missed the Teleconference But Was Guided to Pull Her Car Over and Listen … Read Her Quick Story… […]

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Archangel Michael in Mystical France

Mystical France Pilgrimage Teleconference 2 – Archangel Michael and His Historical Appearances in Mystical France

Learn more about Archangel Michael and a few of his historical appearances in Mystical France. The speakers help you to explore special places of power and significance to Archangel Michael especially Mont St. Michel in Normandy France, where Michael has appeared on several occasions over the last 800-1,200 years. Also included is a short talk on the Archangel’s appearances and messages to Joan of Arc. In addition, Rev. Ana Jones shares some present day messages she has received in her relationship with Archangel Michael as a modern mystic.

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All in Sacred Time Podcast

All in Sacred Time Podcast 4 – Flowering Into Compassion

In this podcast, Internationally known Interfaith Minister, Ana Jones teaches and shares insights into the upcoming sacred and celestial events for MAY 2014 and beyond, including: The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurring in Taurus, the ongoing Grand Cardinal Cross still affecting all of us, and the upcoming Full Moon of May which is known as the FLOWER MOON. In addition, Ana shares helpful insights on the special timing and spiritual opportunities for growth that can be tapped into on May Day/ Beltaine and much more….

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Celestial Voice Angelic Message Podcast

Celestial Voice Podcast 4 – Emotional Clearing on The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Michael channeled by Rev. Ana Jones. This message provides insightful teaching on using the energies of the full moons and especially full moon lunar eclipses for emotional clearing and renewal. This was recorded live in May 2013 but includes wisdom teachings that are timeless for all.

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Mystical France Pilgrimage

Mystical France Pilgrimage Teleconference 1 – The Power of Pilgrimage

Learn about the role and importance of the ancient art of pilgrimage as an essential spiritual practice for transformation and balance in our modern day lives.

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All in Sacred Time Podcast

All in Sacred Time Podcast 3 – Rebirth, Renewal and Resurrection

In this podcast, internationally known Interfaith Minister, Ana Jones teaches and shares insights into the upcoming sacred and celestial events for April 2014 and beyond, including: The new moon (being referred to as a black moon) and the upcoming PINK MOON which will be a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse followed by a Solar Eclipse 2 weeks later. In addition, Ana shares helpful insights on the special timing and spiritual opportunities for growth that can be tapped into during Passover, Easter and more.

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co-creating archangels

Co-Creating with The Archangels

Recorded Teleclass Series taught by Rev. Ana Jones You can order all 4 classes and save… Or, order each class individually. Read more details on each class and click the “Add to Cart” button and order what you need below…

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