Ana Jones

story of an angel

The Story of An Angel

I hear the sound of the children, the child inside of you, the children in your life and the children of this world. I hear them all as one voice. I hear their laughter I hear their tears.

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Life and Past Times of Yeshua – A Message from Archangel Metatron

Teachings on the Life and Past Times of Yeshua – A Message from Archangel Metatron

That which is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient is without limitation. To know the Whole, those limitations must be removed; the Whole must be approached differently. That said, there is a great deal of clarity that can be added to your current understanding and that is my intention today.

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Message of Peace from Divino Maestro

A Message of Peace from Divino Maestro

“I can promise you that things are changing rapidly and that the way things are now will be very different than the way they were, and they will be very very different in the future…completely transformed.” – Divino Maestro as channeled by Rev. Ana Jones

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Healing Our World

Healing Ourselves, Our Communities and Our World

With courage and love in our hearts, we must transcend the fears we have, and allow the truth of who we are to emerge from the many diverse paths intricately interwoven within the web of life on Earth

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Embracing Nature

Embracing Nature

The task is to awaken from our illusion of separation and restore our wholeness through living in harmony with all beings and the whole of Nature itself. Simply put, to live holistically.  I find myself repeatedly being derailed, questioning ‘why is it so difficult to live a life in balance?’ My questions always lead me back to …

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Birthing a New Economy

Birthing a New Economy

There is no place in our modern lives where the new paradigm shift is more evident than in our economy. To live holistically is to live with all aspects of our lives in balance, in right relationship with the universal laws and the supreme order of the natural world.

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Evolving the American Dream

Evolving the American Dream

The U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence do not mandate that every citizen dream the same ‘American Dream.’ Neither do they describe a common dream of owning a home, driving new cars, having every material possession and making millions of dollars. Instead, we are promised the freedom and the right to ‘life, liberty and the […]

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