Ana Jones

Celestial Voice Podcast 14 - The Virtues as Powers for Co-Creation

Celestial Voice Podcast 14 – The Virtues as Powers for Co-Creation

Every now and then a teaching or insight comes along that can change the whole way you live, act, think,  and create. This profoundly inspiring message transmission received in deep meditative state from Archangel Michael contains such insights.

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Offerings of Gratitude

Offerings of Gratitude

Dear Friends, I am now sharing with all of you a special message from the Archangel Michael that I channeled that applies even more today than ever before. I published this message in chapter 6 of my self-published book ‘The Teaching of Archangel Michael: A Handbook for Humanity.’ If you have the book then you […]

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Celestial Voice Podcast

Celestial Voice Podcast 13 – Breaking Through or Breaking Down : A Karmic Inflection Point

This profoundly inspiring message transmission received in deep meditative state from Archangel  Michael enlightens and illuminates the path before you right now.

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Wealth In The Here and Now

Wealth In The Here and Now

“Spiritual currency is gratitude, the more gratitude you have, the more grateful you are, the wealthier you are!” – Archangel Uriel Aloha Everyone! In this post I am continuing to share with you messages that I have channeled from many Angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters pertaining to our economy and the greater paradigm shift that […]

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Healing Your Relationships

Healing Your Relationships

“Make yourself familiar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit;for without being seen, they are present with you.” – St. Francis De Sales In this Celestial Voice newsletter I am quoting from a very long message from Archangel Michael that I have published in my book ‘The Teachings of Archangel Michael: A Handbook […]

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Live from Your True Will

Live from Your True Will

ANGELIC MESSAGE as channeled by Rev. Ana Jones: “One of the many things that we can teach you is to share with you teachings about your true will. Mere wants and desires are not equal to the true will. For knowing your true will is also knowing the will of the Divine. The will of […]

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Ana Jones Podcast

Celestial Voice Podcast 12 – Applying Love – Feeling with Your Immortal Heart

Everyone has the ability to feel deep and strong emotions, but often times your emotions can become  sources of blocked energy or unhealthy patterns. In this deeply insightful Global Angelic Transmission  from Archangel Michael you will receive guidance on how to apply love to each and every one of your emotions, freeing you to go deeper to where “the heart of your soul’ resides and becomes known.

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Operating From A Different Paradigm

Operating From A Different Paradigm

Many changes are happening on the earth and there are many angels and guides (an unlimited number) that are communicating to others … In the next few years there will be much determined for the future of humanity and the future of the earth.

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Celestial Voice Angelic Message Podcast

Celestial Voice Podcast 11 – Listening With Your Heart

While hearing this deeply moving message from Archangel Michael, many people have reported being so touched that they are brought to tears by the profound wisdom imparted and emotional plea that is eloquently spoken.

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Celestial Voice Angelic Message Podcast

Celestial Voice Podcast 10 – Seeing With Your Heart

A major planetary transformation us underway. The shifts happening in the world around us cannot be grasped and understood by your physical senses alone. In this timely message from Archangel Michael, he explains how world events will continue to blow our minds until our hearts are more open.

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